Friday, May 8, 2015

100 Percent Absorption

Catholic Times'  priest columnist  who writes on spiritual subjects mentions a meal that he had with two young religious. They recalled the times in their lives when they laughed and the times of sadness  they experienced.

During the discussion with the two young religious he felt contentment in their presence, no need to correct or agree, he was older than they were, and found the time with them satisfying. When they left the restaurant and began walking they saw a movie theater; the billboard was advertizing a family picture, one of the men recommended they see.

They checked the  time for the next showing of the movie. He was the only one not keen in seeing  the movie; he had a lot to do at the monastery  but he decided to join them, and bought the tickets. They went to a nearby place to eat, for there is a stomach for a meal, and a stomach for snacks. When the time came they left for the movie theater.

Since it was a family movie there were a lot of young people there. Many couples in their middle years.  The movie was inspirational  but the columnist was mostly interested in the technical aspects, and the acting.  During the performance he heard something like a tank, and noticed that a man  on his right was asleep and snoring.

Shortly after in an emotional segment he heard  sobbing, and the blowing of  noses. On his left was a huge man who was crying  while the actors and actresses were just playing their role, his crying was for real. The two religious were 100 percent immersed in the movie.

They were completely absorbed,  more involved than the actors themselves. The columnist was impressed with their absorption.  A couple of hours of not too extreme or excessive losing yourself in what you are doing, is a good way to clear the mind and relax a person. Leaving  the theater he was embarrassed in that he was not able to lose himself in watching the picture.  For him the movie was in no way cathartic and because of that he felt he missed something. He concludes the column by telling his readers a good way to renew oneself  is when you can immerse yourself  in what you are doing 100 percent.

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